‘Once Upon a Mattress’ @ Repertory Company Theatre

Photos by Deedra Scherm

—Carol M. Rice

Some shows are just there to let the audience escape for a couple of hours, and I think that perfectly describes the perennial favorite Once Upon a Mattress, running at Richardson’s Repertory Company Theatre.

This popular musical adaptation of “The Princess and the Pea”—with music by Mary Rodgers, lyrics by Marshall Bauer, and book by Jay Thompson, Dean Fuller, and Marshal l Bauer—premiered on Broadway in 1959 (it made a star of the very young Carol Burnett!) and has been revived multiple times (most recently in 2024, starring Sutton Foster and Michael Urie). The show has received national tours and television adaptations, in addition to an infinite number of productions at high schools, colleges, and community and professional theatres all over the world.

The story follows Prince Dauntless, who would love to get married, but his overprotective mama Queen Aggravain won’t allow it, and his father King Sextimus the Silent is, well, silent and can’t stand up to her either. More importantly, the garrulous Queen won’t allow anyone else in the kingdom to get married until Dauntless is wed, and Sir Harry and Lady Larken are at the point in their relationship where they kind of HAVE to, if you get my drift.

Unfortunately, they’ve exhausted all the eligible princesses from the neighboring kingdoms: Queen Aggravain has set up a series of ridiculous tests that the would-be brides can’t possibly pass. In desperation, Sir Harry sets off somewhere—anywhere—to find a princess.

He returns with Princess Winnifred the Woebegone, or “Fred” to her friends. Dauntless is immediately smitten with the less-than-refined (and very wet) princess (“She swam the moat!”). Of course, the disapproving Queen plots with the court Wizard to come up with a test Fred is sure to fail.

After an exhausting night of dancing, followed by some other activities to make her sleep, the Queen puts Winnifred to bed on 20 soft mattresses with a single pea hidden under the bottom one. If she’s a true princess, the theory goes, she’ll feel it.

Naturally, Princess Fred doesn’t get a wink of sleep, and she and Dauntless are all set to be married. But…not before Dauntless breaks a curse on his father (that’s why the King is silent) by finding the nerve to stand up to his mother. It’s complicated—but in the end, Dauntless will get it done.

Phillip Slay and KyLea Ingram make a truly fun and funny pair as Dauntless and Fred. They have great chemistry and obviously enjoy their time onstage together.

Katie Moyes Williams is a sweet and charming Lady Larken, and Lorenzo Gapud gets to show off his incredible singing voice as her guy Sir Harry. Their two duets, “In a Little While” and “Yesterday I Loved You,” are lovely.

The always hilarious Sherry Etzel truly makes Queen Aggravain her own, rivaled only by the brilliant Shawn Patrello as King Sextimus, whose facial expressions and body control are worth the price of admission. (As a side note, he first played this role in 1980, as a senior in high school!) These two are a master class in comedy.

Christian R. Black and Elijah Ponce have the honor of being Patrello’s sidekicks as the Minstrel and Jester, and each has their own solo moment in the spotlight. Black sets the tone of the show as the fairy-tale-style narrator in “Many Moons Ago,” and Ponce and their puppets (aided by a masked, and unfortunately unnamed, ensemble member) entertains us with the Jester’s nostalgic “Very Soft Shoes.”

As the Wizard, Michael Hammer gets to demonstrate a few magic tricks, and Molly Grace Robinson squawks and sings beautifully as the Nightingale of Samarkand.

The large, well-utilized ensemble shines throughout, pulling off tight harmonies and performing intricate choreography: music director Devon Harper and choreographer Michelle Levall have put together some amazing work for this show.

I also loved how each member of the ensemble obviously had a character and a back story. They weren’t just random bodies up there, and considering how many of them there were, that’s saying something. Nice job, all!

Repertory Company Theatre has described this production as “immersive,” and the experience began as we entered the theatre, with some of the ensemble members (mostly knights) interacting with patrons and performing silly stunts. Several scenes took place in the house, and the “moat” was over the side of the railing.

Director Laura Alley obviously gets comedy: she shamelessly squeezes ALL the funny she can out of Once Upon a Mattress, and I mean that in the very best way. The audience (including myself) was laughing from the get-go, and rightly so!

Alley also acted as costume designer, and I found the stark black-and-white look at the beginning of the show completely enchanting. Then, as Fred’s cheerful personality starts to affect everyone in the palace, colors were gradually added. By the end, everyone (except for Queen Aggravain, of course) was in bright colors—one of the best costume concepts I’ve seen lately.

The scenic design by The Wood Shop/Mike Carter was simple and effective (I loved the stone walls), aided by Josh Hensley’s colorful and creative lighting design. The production was not just fun to watch, but fun to look at.

Repertory Company Theatre’s Once Upon a Mattress is, quite simply, a delight. There’s not a weak link anywhere. If I were you, I’d go join in the fun!

WHEN: March 21-30, 2025
770 N Coit #2405, Richardson, TX


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